La baby-sitter noire ana xxx se fait défoncer sur le canapé

08 mars 2023, mercredi

We tackled this on a previous story read, so I have cheated a bit by just slightly adapting the post I did back then. That’s about it - if you have thoughts on the read generally, feel free to drop them below. It will be fun to see where the stories connect with each other, with the novels and with Bolano’s life. Bolano loves to weave threads together, and it will be fun to see what a more careful reading reveals. Another general point - I think this is a fantastic story, a great start to a collection and a great introduction to Bolano. L’usage en appartient à tous : la nature n’a point voulu que le soleil, l’air et l’onde limpide soient la propriété d’un seul : je viens ici jouir d’un bien commun à tous, et pourtant ma voix suppliante vous le demande comme un don.

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